Query data from US Census Bureau API and collect result into dplyr data frame
runCensusAPIQueries(data_url, key, vars, region, numeric = TRUE)
data_url | The url root of the api including the '?' |
key | API key |
vars | A character vector of variable names |
region | A region specification containing a 'for:' and possibly an 'in:' |
For information on the US Census API see
This function is a modified version of the code published here:
Other census functions: queryCensusAPI
, vecToChunk
# \donttest{ runCensusAPIQueries( data_url = "", key = rstudioapi::askForSecret("censusKey"), vars = paste0("B01001_", str_pad(2:49, 3, pad = "0"), "E"), region = "for=county:*&in=state:31" )#> Error in str_pad(2:49, 3, pad = "0"): could not find function "str_pad"# }