Christopher Chizinski
Christopher Chizinski - Assistant Professor
I am an Assistant Professor of Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management at the University of Nebraska, where I conduct research on dynamic relationships between sportspersons and wildlife.
For more information, please visit our research collaboration page.
Research interests
I have broad interest in multiple aspects of social-ecological systems, but I focus on basic and applied research in human dimensions and wildlife and fisheries management. My research applies social science theory to wildlife and fisheries management with a primary focus on consumptive uses of wildlife and fish, including assessment of sportsperson perceptions and values and human-wildlife systems modeling.
Current research is looking at:
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of sportsperson effort
- Methodology and quantification of sportsperson effort
- Influence of regulations on harvest decisions by sportspersons
- Influence of sportspersons on wildlife behavior
- Invasive species ecology and management
- Ecological statistics
For a current CV click here
Select publications (For a full list, click here)
- Bajer, P. G., T. K. Cross, J. D. Lechelt, C. J. Chizinski, and P. W. Sorensen. 2015. Across ecoregion analysis suggests a hierarchy of ecological filters that regulate recruitment of a globally invasive fish. Diversity and Distributions, 24:500-510 link
- Chizinski, C. J., D. R. Martin, K. Hurley, and K. L. Pope. 2014. Anglers’ self-imposed length limits. Fisheries Research, 155:83–89. link
- Chizinski, C. J., D. R. Martin, K. L. Pope, T. J. Barada, and J. J. Schuckman. 2014. Angler effort and catch within a spatially complex system of small lakes. Fisheries Research, 154:172–178. link
- Bajer, P. G., C. J. Chizinski, and P. W. Sorensen. 2011. Use of radio-tagged ‘Judas’ fish to track and remove winter aggregations of common carp in Midwestern lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 18: 497-505. link
- Chizinski, C. J., B. Vondracek, C. R. Blinn, R. M. Newman, D. Atuke, K. Fredricks, N. Hemstad, E. Merten, and N. Schlesser. 2010. The influence of partial harvest in riparian management zones on macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages on first- and second-order streams in northern Minnesota. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:1946-1958. link
- Wan, H., C. J. Chizinski, C. L. Dolph, B. Vondracek, and B. N. Wilson. 2010. The impact of rare taxa on a fish index of biotic integrity. Ecological Indicators, 10:781-788. link
- Chizinski, C. J., K. L. Pope, and G. R. Wilde. 2010. A modelling approach to evaluate potential management actions designed to increase growth of stunted white perch. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 17:262-271. link
- Dolph, C. L., A. Y. Sheshukov, C. J. Chizinski, B. Vondracek, and B. Wilson. 2010. The Index of Biological Integrity and the bootstrap: Can random sampling error affect stream impairment decisions? Ecological Indicators, 10:527-537. link
- Chizinski, C. J., C. L. Higgins, and K. L. Pope. 2006. Multiple hypothesis testing of fish incidence patterns in an urban ecosystem. Aquatic Ecology, 40:97-109. link