Christopher Chizinski


Christopher Chizinski - Assistant Professor

I am an Assistant Professor of Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management at the University of Nebraska, where I conduct research on dynamic relationships between sportspersons and wildlife.

For more information, please visit our research collaboration page.

Research interests

I have broad interest in multiple aspects of social-ecological systems, but I focus on basic and applied research in human dimensions and wildlife and fisheries management. My research applies social science theory to wildlife and fisheries management with a primary focus on consumptive uses of wildlife and fish, including assessment of sportsperson perceptions and values and human-wildlife systems modeling.

Current research is looking at:

  • Spatiotemporal dynamics of sportsperson effort
  • Methodology and quantification of sportsperson effort
  • Influence of regulations on harvest decisions by sportspersons
  • Influence of sportspersons on wildlife behavior
  • Invasive species ecology and management
  • Ecological statistics

For a current CV click here

Select publications (For a full list, click here)

  1. Bajer, P. G., T. K. Cross, J. D. Lechelt, C. J. Chizinski, and P. W. Sorensen. 2015. Across ecoregion analysis suggests a hierarchy of ecological filters that regulate recruitment of a globally invasive fish. Diversity and Distributions, 24:500-510 link
  2. Chizinski, C. J., D. R. Martin, K. Hurley, and K. L. Pope. 2014. Anglers’ self-imposed length limits. Fisheries Research, 155:83–89. link
  3. Chizinski, C. J., D. R. Martin, K. L. Pope, T. J. Barada, and J. J. Schuckman. 2014. Angler effort and catch within a spatially complex system of small lakes. Fisheries Research, 154:172–178. link
  4. Bajer, P. G., C. J. Chizinski, and P. W. Sorensen. 2011. Use of radio-tagged ‘Judas’ fish to track and remove winter aggregations of common carp in Midwestern lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 18: 497-505. link
  5. Chizinski, C. J., B. Vondracek, C. R. Blinn, R. M. Newman, D. Atuke, K. Fredricks, N. Hemstad, E. Merten, and N. Schlesser. 2010. The influence of partial harvest in riparian management zones on macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages on first- and second-order streams in northern Minnesota. Forest Ecology and Management, 259:1946-1958. link
  6. Wan, H., C. J. Chizinski, C. L. Dolph, B. Vondracek, and B. N. Wilson. 2010. The impact of rare taxa on a fish index of biotic integrity. Ecological Indicators, 10:781-788. link
  7. Chizinski, C. J., K. L. Pope, and G. R. Wilde. 2010. A modelling approach to evaluate potential management actions designed to increase growth of stunted white perch. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 17:262-271. link
  8. Dolph, C. L., A. Y. Sheshukov, C. J. Chizinski, B. Vondracek, and B. Wilson. 2010. The Index of Biological Integrity and the bootstrap: Can random sampling error affect stream impairment decisions? Ecological Indicators, 10:527-537. link
  9. Chizinski, C. J., C. L. Higgins, and K. L. Pope. 2006. Multiple hypothesis testing of fish incidence patterns in an urban ecosystem. Aquatic Ecology, 40:97-109. link