Plotting igraph objects with ggplot2

I have been working collaborating on a project with Dustin Martin using network theory.
We have are utilizing the igraph package in R, which ultimately produces graphs of networks.
Including these graphs in presentations and publications has been difficult because they are difficult to customize (at least with my understanding of them). I am sure it is possible to get the figures the way you want them using the plot function in igraph but I feel much more comfortable working with ggplot, plus I have themes created for ggplot. So I explored a way to create the igraph plots in ggplot.

igraph plots

First, I will bring in the data, which is a matrix of species relative abundances. Columns are the species and each row is an observation. Here is a snapshot of what the data looks like

##                    BLG    CCF COC CRP FHC FWD     HSB LMB NOP WAE WHB
## 6915.2009-04-07.8    0 0.2222   0   0   0   0 0.00000   0   0 0.0   0
## 6915.2009-04-11.14   0 0.0000   0   0   0   0 0.00000   0   0 0.4   0
## 6915.2009-04-11.17   0 0.0000   0   0   0   0 0.09091   0   0 0.0   0
## 6915.2009-04-13.22   0 0.2500   0   0   0   0 0.00000   0   0 0.0   0
## 6915.2009-04-14.26   0 0.5000   0   0   0   0 0.00000   0   0 0.0   0
## 6915.2009-04-14.30   0 0.1429   0   0   0   0 0.00000   0   0 0.0   0

Load the igraph library and run through the first few steps of generating the network

library(igraph) <- graph.incidence(caught.wide.2, weighted = TRUE)  #make data into a bipartite graph object
obs.parties.all <- bipartite.projection([[1]]
obs.spp.all <- bipartite.projection([[2]]

Plotting these two plots produces okay graphs, but as I mentioned earlier, they are not great.

op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
fr.all <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(obs.spp.all)
plot(obs.spp.all, layout = fr.all, edge.color = "black", edge.width = E(obs.spp.all)$weight * 
    0.1, vertex.label = V(obs.spp.all)$name) <-, weights = E(obs.spp.all)$weight)
plot(, obs.spp.all, layout = fr.all, edge.width = E(obs.spp.all)$weight * 
    0.25, vertex.label = V(obs.spp.all)$name, vertex.label.color = "blue")


Create graphs in ggplot

Okay first lets extract the data to produce the basic graph of the network on the left. ggplot needs the data as a data.frame so extract the data and coerce it to a data.frame

fr.all.df <-  ## convert the layout to a data.frame
fr.all.df$species <- colnames(caught.wide.2)  ## add in the species codes

fr.all.df  ## display the x (V1) and y (V2) coordinates for each of the nodes.
##         V1      V2 species
## 1   2.3192 -3.0746     BLG
## 2  -2.4960 -3.3497     CCF
## 3   0.2719 -5.7700     COC
## 4  -0.7398 -2.6457     CRP
## 5  -1.1411  0.4478     FHC
## 6   0.7329 -3.7887     FWD
## 7  -3.2541 -5.7682     HSB
## 8   0.3530 -1.2192     LMB
## 9  -4.6923 -2.4240     NOP
## 10 -1.3122 -4.3867     WAE
## 11 -2.0786 -1.7555     WHB

Now we have all the coordinates for the nodes in the plot, we can display it in ggplot


ggplot() +
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=21,colour="black") +  # adds a black border around the nodes
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=20,colour="lightgrey") +
    geom_text(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2,label=species)) + # add the node labels
    scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+  # expand the x limits 
    scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+ # expand the y limits
    theme_bw()  # use the ggplot black and white theme


Now that we have the nodes in the right place, lets draw the connections between the nodes

g <-  # get the edge information using the function

##   from  to weight
## 1  BLG CCF     20
## 2  BLG COC      6
## 3  BLG WHB      4
## 4  BLG WAE      8
## 5  BLG LMB      7
## 6  BLG CRP      6
g$from.x <- fr.all.df$V1[match(g$from, fr.all.df$species)]  #  match the from locations from the node data.frame we previously connected
g$from.y <- fr.all.df$V2[match(g$from, fr.all.df$species)]
g$to.x <- fr.all.df$V1[match(g$to, fr.all.df$species)]  #  match the to locations from the node data.frame we previously connected
g$to.y <- fr.all.df$V2[match(g$to, fr.all.df$species)]

##    from  to weight  from.x  from.y    to.x    to.y
## 1   BLG CCF     20  2.3192 -3.0746 -2.4960 -3.3497
## 2   BLG COC      6  2.3192 -3.0746  0.2719 -5.7700
## 3   BLG WHB      4  2.3192 -3.0746 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 4   BLG WAE      8  2.3192 -3.0746 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 5   BLG LMB      7  2.3192 -3.0746  0.3530 -1.2192
## 6   BLG CRP      6  2.3192 -3.0746 -0.7398 -2.6457
## 7   BLG FWD     13  2.3192 -3.0746  0.7329 -3.7887
## 8   CCF FWD    117 -2.4960 -3.3497  0.7329 -3.7887
## 9   CCF COC      9 -2.4960 -3.3497  0.2719 -5.7700
## 10  CCF WHB    211 -2.4960 -3.3497 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 11  CCF CRP     15 -2.4960 -3.3497 -0.7398 -2.6457
## 12  CCF LMB      7 -2.4960 -3.3497  0.3530 -1.2192
## 13  CCF WAE     55 -2.4960 -3.3497 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 14  CCF HSB     11 -2.4960 -3.3497 -3.2541 -5.7682
## 15  CCF NOP      3 -2.4960 -3.3497 -4.6923 -2.4240
## 16  CCF FHC      6 -2.4960 -3.3497 -1.1411  0.4478
## 17  COC FWD     12  0.2719 -5.7700  0.7329 -3.7887
## 18  COC WHB      4  0.2719 -5.7700 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 19  COC HSB      2  0.2719 -5.7700 -3.2541 -5.7682
## 20  COC LMB      3  0.2719 -5.7700  0.3530 -1.2192
## 21  COC WAE      2  0.2719 -5.7700 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 22  COC CRP      1  0.2719 -5.7700 -0.7398 -2.6457
## 23  CRP WHB     41 -0.7398 -2.6457 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 24  CRP LMB      3 -0.7398 -2.6457  0.3530 -1.2192
## 25  CRP WAE      9 -0.7398 -2.6457 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 26  CRP FWD      7 -0.7398 -2.6457  0.7329 -3.7887
## 27  CRP NOP      3 -0.7398 -2.6457 -4.6923 -2.4240
## 28  CRP HSB      2 -0.7398 -2.6457 -3.2541 -5.7682
## 29  CRP FHC      1 -0.7398 -2.6457 -1.1411  0.4478
## 30  FHC FWD      4 -1.1411  0.4478  0.7329 -3.7887
## 31  FHC WAE      1 -1.1411  0.4478 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 32  FHC WHB      2 -1.1411  0.4478 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 33  FHC LMB      1 -1.1411  0.4478  0.3530 -1.2192
## 34  FWD HSB      6  0.7329 -3.7887 -3.2541 -5.7682
## 35  FWD WHB    161  0.7329 -3.7887 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 36  FWD WAE     49  0.7329 -3.7887 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 37  FWD LMB      4  0.7329 -3.7887  0.3530 -1.2192
## 38  HSB WAE      8 -3.2541 -5.7682 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 39  HSB WHB     46 -3.2541 -5.7682 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 40  HSB NOP      1 -3.2541 -5.7682 -4.6923 -2.4240
## 41  LMB WAE      6  0.3530 -1.2192 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 42  LMB WHB      6  0.3530 -1.2192 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 43  LMB NOP      1  0.3530 -1.2192 -4.6923 -2.4240
## 44  NOP WHB      5 -4.6923 -2.4240 -2.0786 -1.7555
## 45  NOP WAE      1 -4.6923 -2.4240 -1.3122 -4.3867
## 46  WAE WHB    120 -1.3122 -4.3867 -2.0786 -1.7555

and plot it out.

ggplot() +
    geom_segment(data=g,aes(x=from.x,xend = to.x, y=from.y,yend = to.y,size=weight),colour="black") +
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=21,colour="black") +  # adds a black border around the nodes
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=20,colour="lightgrey") +
    geom_text(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2,label=species)) + # add the node labels
    scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+  # expand the x limits 
    scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+ # expand the y limits
    theme_bw()  # use the ggplot black and white theme


Lets mess with the themes and remove the grid lines and axis labels etc.

ggplot() +
    geom_segment(data=g,aes(x=from.x,xend = to.x, y=from.y,yend = to.y,size=weight),colour="black") +
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=21,colour="black") +  # adds a black border around the nodes
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=20,colour="lightgrey") +
    geom_text(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2,label=species)) + # add the node labels
    scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+  # expand the x limits 
    scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+ # expand the y limits
    theme_bw()+  # use the ggplot black and white theme
      axis.text.x = element_blank(),  # remove x-axis text
      axis.text.y = element_blank(), # remove y-axis text
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),  # remove axis ticks
      axis.title.x = element_blank(), # remove x-axis labels
      axis.title.y = element_blank(), # remove y-axis labels
      panel.background = element_blank(), 
      panel.border =element_blank(), 
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),  #remove major-grid labels
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),  #remove minor-grid labels
      plot.background = element_blank())


If we wanted to incorporate some of the elements of the community detection algorithms present in the igraph on the right. We can make elements in the one group red and the other blue. Connections within a group will be a solid line and between groups a dashed line.

grouping <- data.frame(species =$names, group =$membership)  #create a data.frame of species and group membership
g$grp.from <- grouping$group[match(g$from, grouping$species)]  # match group membership within the g data.frame for from and to nodes
g$ <- grouping$group[match(g$to, grouping$species)]
g$grp.type <- ifelse(g$grp.from == g$, 1, 0)  # if from and to nodes are the in same group then type is 1 else 0
g  # display the additions
##    from  to weight  from.x  from.y    to.x    to.y grp.from
## 1   BLG CCF     20  2.3192 -3.0746 -2.4960 -3.3497        1      2
## 2   BLG COC      6  2.3192 -3.0746  0.2719 -5.7700        1      1
## 3   BLG WHB      4  2.3192 -3.0746 -2.0786 -1.7555        1      2
## 4   BLG WAE      8  2.3192 -3.0746 -1.3122 -4.3867        1      2
## 5   BLG LMB      7  2.3192 -3.0746  0.3530 -1.2192        1      1
## 6   BLG CRP      6  2.3192 -3.0746 -0.7398 -2.6457        1      1
## 7   BLG FWD     13  2.3192 -3.0746  0.7329 -3.7887        1      2
## 8   CCF FWD    117 -2.4960 -3.3497  0.7329 -3.7887        2      2
## 9   CCF COC      9 -2.4960 -3.3497  0.2719 -5.7700        2      1
## 10  CCF WHB    211 -2.4960 -3.3497 -2.0786 -1.7555        2      2
## 11  CCF CRP     15 -2.4960 -3.3497 -0.7398 -2.6457        2      1
## 12  CCF LMB      7 -2.4960 -3.3497  0.3530 -1.2192        2      1
## 13  CCF WAE     55 -2.4960 -3.3497 -1.3122 -4.3867        2      2
## 14  CCF HSB     11 -2.4960 -3.3497 -3.2541 -5.7682        2      2
## 15  CCF NOP      3 -2.4960 -3.3497 -4.6923 -2.4240        2      1
## 16  CCF FHC      6 -2.4960 -3.3497 -1.1411  0.4478        2      1
## 17  COC FWD     12  0.2719 -5.7700  0.7329 -3.7887        1      2
## 18  COC WHB      4  0.2719 -5.7700 -2.0786 -1.7555        1      2
## 19  COC HSB      2  0.2719 -5.7700 -3.2541 -5.7682        1      2
## 20  COC LMB      3  0.2719 -5.7700  0.3530 -1.2192        1      1
## 21  COC WAE      2  0.2719 -5.7700 -1.3122 -4.3867        1      2
## 22  COC CRP      1  0.2719 -5.7700 -0.7398 -2.6457        1      1
## 23  CRP WHB     41 -0.7398 -2.6457 -2.0786 -1.7555        1      2
## 24  CRP LMB      3 -0.7398 -2.6457  0.3530 -1.2192        1      1
## 25  CRP WAE      9 -0.7398 -2.6457 -1.3122 -4.3867        1      2
## 26  CRP FWD      7 -0.7398 -2.6457  0.7329 -3.7887        1      2
## 27  CRP NOP      3 -0.7398 -2.6457 -4.6923 -2.4240        1      1
## 28  CRP HSB      2 -0.7398 -2.6457 -3.2541 -5.7682        1      2
## 29  CRP FHC      1 -0.7398 -2.6457 -1.1411  0.4478        1      1
## 30  FHC FWD      4 -1.1411  0.4478  0.7329 -3.7887        1      2
## 31  FHC WAE      1 -1.1411  0.4478 -1.3122 -4.3867        1      2
## 32  FHC WHB      2 -1.1411  0.4478 -2.0786 -1.7555        1      2
## 33  FHC LMB      1 -1.1411  0.4478  0.3530 -1.2192        1      1
## 34  FWD HSB      6  0.7329 -3.7887 -3.2541 -5.7682        2      2
## 35  FWD WHB    161  0.7329 -3.7887 -2.0786 -1.7555        2      2
## 36  FWD WAE     49  0.7329 -3.7887 -1.3122 -4.3867        2      2
## 37  FWD LMB      4  0.7329 -3.7887  0.3530 -1.2192        2      1
## 38  HSB WAE      8 -3.2541 -5.7682 -1.3122 -4.3867        2      2
## 39  HSB WHB     46 -3.2541 -5.7682 -2.0786 -1.7555        2      2
## 40  HSB NOP      1 -3.2541 -5.7682 -4.6923 -2.4240        2      1
## 41  LMB WAE      6  0.3530 -1.2192 -1.3122 -4.3867        1      2
## 42  LMB WHB      6  0.3530 -1.2192 -2.0786 -1.7555        1      2
## 43  LMB NOP      1  0.3530 -1.2192 -4.6923 -2.4240        1      1
## 44  NOP WHB      5 -4.6923 -2.4240 -2.0786 -1.7555        1      2
## 45  NOP WAE      1 -4.6923 -2.4240 -1.3122 -4.3867        1      2
## 46  WAE WHB    120 -1.3122 -4.3867 -2.0786 -1.7555        2      2
##    grp.type
## 1         0
## 2         1
## 3         0
## 4         0
## 5         1
## 6         1
## 7         0
## 8         1
## 9         0
## 10        1
## 11        0
## 12        0
## 13        1
## 14        1
## 15        0
## 16        0
## 17        0
## 18        0
## 19        0
## 20        1
## 21        0
## 22        1
## 23        0
## 24        1
## 25        0
## 26        0
## 27        1
## 28        0
## 29        1
## 30        0
## 31        0
## 32        0
## 33        1
## 34        1
## 35        1
## 36        1
## 37        0
## 38        1
## 39        1
## 40        0
## 41        0
## 42        0
## 43        1
## 44        0
## 45        0
## 46        1
fr.all.df$grp <- grouping$group[match(fr.all.df$species, grouping$species)]  # add group type to node data.frame
ggplot() +
    geom_segment(data=g,aes(x=from.x,xend = to.x, y=from.y,yend = to.y,size=weight,linetype=as.factor(grp.type)),colour="black") + # add line type
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2),size=21,colour="black") +  # adds a black border around the nodes
    geom_point(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2,colour=as.factor(grp)),size=20,show_guide=FALSE) +
    geom_text(data=fr.all.df,aes(x=V1,y=V2,label=species)) + # add the node labels
    scale_colour_manual(values=c("1"="red","2"="lightblue"))+  # add colour scaling for group membership
    scale_linetype_manual(values=c("0"="dashed","1"="solid"))+ # add linteyp scaling for within and between groups
    scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+  # expand the x limits 
    scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,1))+ # expand the y limits
    theme_bw()+  # use the ggplot black and white theme
      axis.text.x = element_blank(),  # remove x-axis text
      axis.text.y = element_blank(), # remove y-axis text
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),  # remove axis ticks
      axis.title.x = element_blank(), # remove x-axis labels
      axis.title.y = element_blank(), # remove y-axis labels
      panel.background = element_blank(), 
      panel.border =element_blank(), 
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),  #remove major-grid labels
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),  #remove minor-grid labels
      plot.background = element_blank())


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