Welcome to page for the OFWIM R Workshop

This is the repository for materials covered in the R Workshop on Data Wrangling and Visualization.


We are going to do two webinars prior to the workshop on October 6, 2016. The first webinar will cover the very basics of R. This will also include instructions on how to install R and RStudio. I will post the links to the webinars here. If you would like to view the presentations with out the recordings download or clone the repository. Then go into the downloaded folder and open the folders (“gettingtoknowR”). Open the index.html file in this directory in your browser and you can watch the html version of the presentation.

Using R for Data wrangling and graphics

We will have a lot to cover in today’s workshop. As mentioned in the last webinar, we are going to be using more packages in the tidyverse. The first segment we will be using two packages (tidyr and dplyr) for manipulating data sets and getting it ready to either analyze or produce graphics. We will then explore the package ggplot2 to create publication quality graphics. There has been increasing movement of being able to create graphics that are interactive and used on websites. We will explore ggvis and the googleVis packages that will utilize R’s capabilities of doing this.


Time Topic - links to lesson
8:00 - 9:00 tidyr and dplyr
Joining datasets
9:00 - 10:00 Basic plotting with ggplot2
10:00 - 11:00 Themes, Multiple plots, Saving plots
11:00 - 12:00 Web plots