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Ecological Detective - Relationships and probability

Exploring the relationship between two variables First lets bring in the data from the previous lesson library(tidyverse)library(broom) fish_data <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chrischizinski/MWFWC_FishR/master/CourseMaterial/data/wrkshp_data.csv") ## Parsed with column specification:## cols(## .default = col_character(),## WaterbodyCode... [Read More]

Ecological Detective - Know your data

Recreating Figure 2.1 in Ecological Detective There are many different hypotheses that can explain the basic relationship between two variables. Figure 2.1 in the Ecologial Detective suggest 4 possible models.... [Read More]

Ecological Detective - Introduction

Ecological Detective Preface: Beyond the Null hypothesis Tools of an Ecological Detective Classic Hypothesis Testing M~1~: Boom and bust (complete extinction between colonizations) hypothesis M~2~: Constant prevalance of population but... [Read More]

RMarkdown tutorial

This is just a gentle introduction to what you can do with Rmarkdown. There are lots of tutorials out there to help you further (Software carpentry, Data carpentry). There is... [Read More]

Single factor ANOVA

The RMarkdown file for this lesson can be found here. This lesson will follow Chapter 8 in Quinn and Keough (2002). Load the packages we will be using in this... [Read More]

Multiple regression

The RMarkdown file for this lesson can be found here. This lesson will follow Chapter 6 in Quinn and Keough (2002). Load the packages we will be using in this... [Read More]

Simple regression

The RMarkdown file for this lesson can be found here. This lesson will follow Chapter 5 in Quinn and Keough (2002). Load the packages we will be using in this... [Read More]


The RMarkdown file for this lesson can be found here This lesson will follow Chapter 5 in Quinn and Keough (2002). Correlation analysis Consider a study, where we are interested... [Read More]

Hypothesis Testing

The RMarkdown file for this lesson can be found here This lesson will follow Chapter 3 in Quinn and Keough (2002). Statistical hypothesis testing In the biological sciences, among other... [Read More]

Estimation of parameters

Like determining population parameters , we often want to calculate the parameters in our regression models. There are two basic procedures that are often used to determine those. These sections... [Read More]


The RMarkdown file for this lesson can be found here. This lesson will follow Chapter 2 in Quinn and Keough (2002). Samples and populations Biologists want to make inferences about... [Read More]

Web graphics

Plots for the web There has been increasing need and desirability to produce interactive graphics online. News outlets, like the The Economist, New York Times, Vox, 538, Pew, and Quartz,... [Read More]

Some basics on ggplots

Basic plotting in ggplot ggplot is a package that has truly upped the level of producing quality graphics using R. The “g g” in ggplot refers to the grammar of... [Read More]